Want to find out more?
Continue discovering your family's history and immigration story by following these links.
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21
The Canadian Museum of Immigration is located at Pier 21 in Halifax, Nova Scotia - a National Historic Site which was the gateway to Canada for one million immigrants between 1928 and 1971. It also served as the departure point for 500,000 Canadian Military personnel during the Second World War. Search the museum's collection of stories, photos, and databases (including a ship arrival database) or contact their research team to assist you.
Trace your family tree using the world's largest online family history resource, boasting over 7 billions records! Here you will find Canadian and international records including censuses, passenger lists, birth, marriage and death records as well as user-contributed family trees. You can even connect with millions of other members making their own discoveries.
Library and Archives Canada
The Genealogy and Family History section of Library and Archives Canada's website is a great place to start your search. It offers suggestions on how to begin your search, research tips, where to find the most requested historical records either in the archives or at other institutions, and further links to databases and websites. There are also archivists available to help provide additional research assistance and locate documents that have not been digitally preserved.
Archives of Ontario
The Archives of Ontario is a major resource in terms of access to key documents for Ontario families. It allows visitors to trace their family’s journey to Canada and across the country. Although not all records are available online, help is provided to complete research projects. There is also the option to have documents photocopied and mailed, or you may be able to participate in an inter-library loan through the local library.
Immigration Northwestern Ontario
Thinking about immigrating to Canada? Choosing where you want to settle and finding the right community is a very important decision. The Northwestern Ontario Immigration Portal can give you an idea about what living, working, learning and doing business in Northwestern Ontario is like. Northwestern Ontario is located in the centre of Canada and is best-known for its superior quality of life and natural diversity.
Links, links, and more links. This website was created by Dave Obee, expert genealogist and author of Destination Canada: A Genealogical Guide to Immigration Records. It points you in the right direction by providing links to only the most valuable sites for genealogical research and resources, sure to help you find what you've been looking for. The hunt is on!
The Canadian Museum of Immigration is located at Pier 21 in Halifax, Nova Scotia - a National Historic Site which was the gateway to Canada for one million immigrants between 1928 and 1971. It also served as the departure point for 500,000 Canadian Military personnel during the Second World War. Search the museum's collection of stories, photos, and databases (including a ship arrival database) or contact their research team to assist you.
Trace your family tree using the world's largest online family history resource, boasting over 7 billions records! Here you will find Canadian and international records including censuses, passenger lists, birth, marriage and death records as well as user-contributed family trees. You can even connect with millions of other members making their own discoveries.
Library and Archives Canada
The Genealogy and Family History section of Library and Archives Canada's website is a great place to start your search. It offers suggestions on how to begin your search, research tips, where to find the most requested historical records either in the archives or at other institutions, and further links to databases and websites. There are also archivists available to help provide additional research assistance and locate documents that have not been digitally preserved.
Archives of Ontario
The Archives of Ontario is a major resource in terms of access to key documents for Ontario families. It allows visitors to trace their family’s journey to Canada and across the country. Although not all records are available online, help is provided to complete research projects. There is also the option to have documents photocopied and mailed, or you may be able to participate in an inter-library loan through the local library.
Immigration Northwestern Ontario
Thinking about immigrating to Canada? Choosing where you want to settle and finding the right community is a very important decision. The Northwestern Ontario Immigration Portal can give you an idea about what living, working, learning and doing business in Northwestern Ontario is like. Northwestern Ontario is located in the centre of Canada and is best-known for its superior quality of life and natural diversity.
Links, links, and more links. This website was created by Dave Obee, expert genealogist and author of Destination Canada: A Genealogical Guide to Immigration Records. It points you in the right direction by providing links to only the most valuable sites for genealogical research and resources, sure to help you find what you've been looking for. The hunt is on!